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Pre Volleyball Serve


"A coach is someone that sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness!" - Michael Jordan


We are a family of parents, friends and community members who love the game of volleyball and/or love spending time with kids. For parents, coaching not only benefits your child, but it will also benefit you as well. You don't need prior experience to join our team, all you need is a positive attitude and willingness to encourage kids to do their best!

Our coaches dedicate about 2-3 hours per week of their time attending practices and games.

*All coaches are required to obtain background checks and complete a 30 minute online concussion training course.

Learn More about the requirements.                 

Image by Vince Fleming


Sports provide an endless supply of teachable moments that can be used by adults to develop great people. This is the Big Picture, what children take away from youth sports. Remaining physically active throughout their life, learning to bounce back from difficulties with renewed determination, learning how to support other people within a team context---these are all the Big Picture. Coaches are the people who provide those moments and help shape the future!

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